Concurs Big Fish Games

the English version is in the bottom of the page

Un joc nou in fiecare zi ! 
Indiferent de jocul care va place: puzzle, obiecte ascunse, aventura, strategie, actiune sau multe alte genuri, Big Fish Games va propune cate un joc nou in fiecare zi.
Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti pana pe 16 august este sa completati cat mai multe intrari in formularul rafflecopter de mai jos.

A new game every day! 
No matter which game you like: puzzle, hidden object, adventure, strategy, action, or many other genres, Big Fish Games will propose a new game every day.

All you have to do till august 16, is to fill as many entries in the form rafflecopter below.

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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