Concurs Samsung Christmas

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English version is below

Profitaţi de beneficiile tehnologiei LED de ultimă oră la un preţ convenabil, cu Samsung LED TV seria 4. Acest model de bază de televizor, eficient din punct de vedere energetic, reprezintă modalitatea perfectă de a descoperi frumuseţea imaginii de calitate LED. Seria 4 oferă imagini nete, cu detalii mai clare şi o rată de contrast dinamic care produce o prismă de culoare pură.

Wide Colour Enhancer Plus: Utilizând un algoritm avansat de îmbunătăţire a calităţii imaginilor, funcţia Wide Color Enhancer Plus oferită de Samsung sporeşte calitatea tuturor imaginilor şi relevă detalii ascunse. Puteţi vedea acum culorile aşa cum au fost concepute să fie văzute, cu ajutorul funcţiei Wide Color Enhancer Plus.

ConnectShare Movie: Cu tehnologia ConnectShare Movie, pur şi simplu conectaţi unitatea de memorie USB la televizor şi urmăriţi instantaneu filme, fotografii sau muzică. Acum, puteţi beneficia de o largă varietate de conţinut în confortul camerei de zi, la televizor.

High Definition Multimedia Interface: Cu intrările High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), televizorul Samsung vă va transforma camera de zi într-un centru de divertisment multimedia. HDMI asigură o transmisie de mare viteză a datelor digitale de înaltă definiţie de la mai multe dispozitive direct la televizorul dvs.

Conectaţi-vă la o gamă largă de divertisment cu Samsung Blu-ray Player: Smart Hub este portalul dvs. către o lume de conţinut, în continuă expansiune, prin playerul Samsung Blu-ray. Găsiţi şi vizionaţi filme online prin simpla apăsare a unui buton. Puteţi chiar să vă bucuraţi de serviciile Smart care vă oferă o experienţă de divertisment mai intensă pentru dvs. şi familia dvs.

Participați acum:

Un singur câștigător, două premii Samsung: un Samsung LED TV seria 4 80 cm Full HD și un Samsung Blu-ray Player.

Concursul se desfasoara in perioada 2 – 16 decembrie. Pentru  cat mai multe sanse de castig la tragerea la sorti, introduceti cat mai multe intrari in formularul Rafflecopter de mai jos.

Nu uitati sa dati Like&Share pe Facebook la acest concurs!

Mai multe premii in sectiunile “Concursuri” si “Worldwide contests” sau pe pagina “Worldwide Contests”

Paid View Point

Prizes: Samsung 32-Inch, Samsung Blu-ray Disc Player
The event dates: 12/2- 12/16
Open to World Wide

Samsung 32-Inch LED HDTV (Black)

Samsung TV
With LED technology, the energy-efficient, Samsung Series 4 TV produces a brilliant, clear picture. The Dolby Digital Plus/Dolby Pulse is an advanced surround sound feature that optimizes the TV’s audio from connected devices. The Wide Color Enhancer Plus features lets you see picture with vibrant, natural-looking images.

Clear Motion Rate 60: Clear Motion Rate (CMR) was developed to accurately measure how well a LCD or LED TV can depict fast-moving images. LED TVs with a CMR of 60-120 can display action-packed movement with sharp detail and vivid contrast while eliminating image distortion.
Wide Color Enhancer Plus: Wide Color Enhancer Plus allows you to witness the entire RGB spectrum brought to life on your screen to bring you exceptionally vibrant, yet natural-looking images faithful to the director’s original intent.
ConnectShare Movie : ConnectShare Movie lets you watch videos, play music, or view photos from a USB connection without needing to use a PC or special equipment. Simply plug your USB device or drive directly into your Samsung TV’s USB port and watch on the big screen with friends and family    

Samsung 3D Blu-ray Player with Built in Wifi, Internet Web Browser, Full Hd 1080p, Plus 6ft HDMI cable.

Samsung Blu-Ray
Enjoy watching your favorite Blu Ray movies in your home with the Samsung 3D Bluray Player. This 3D Ready Blu-Ray player delivers 1080p Full HD entertainment with outstanding images and audio. • Smart Hub further expands access to the world of online entertainment. Smart Hub also allows you to search through hundreds of apps and use the fully optimized Web Browser for a seamless user experience • Disc to Digital streaming service Unlock a digital copy of your DVD collection and access your movies on multiple connected devices • Full Web Browser Easily stream your favorite movies and TV shows, download apps, shop online, browse the web, update your status on Facebook and Twitter, and enjoy all of the benefits of full web browsing right on the big screen • AllShare Play enables your Blu-ray player to access and stream content from any compatible device, like a PC, smartphone, tablet or camera. That means you can share movies, photos and music all through a single device - your Blu-ray Player • 3D Blu-ray Play 3D titles or intensify your viewing experience with the Samsung 3D Blu-ray player • Built-in Wi Fi With a wireless LAN built-in, it is easier than ever to access your apps and enjoy online content • BD Wise web With the Samsung BD Wise web feature, you can watch web-quality videos in high definition on your TV. It automatically optimizes Internet videos by boosting picture quality so that images are crisp and text is legible. BD Wise can even resize the video ratio so that the edges aren't cropped off • Playable disc types BD, DVD, DVD±R, DVD±RW, CD-DA, CD-R, CD-RW 2 HDMI inputs One HDMI output One USB port One optical digital audio output 

One lucky winner, two great Samsung prizes. 
For a chance to win simply enter via the Rafflecopter below. 
Do not forget to Like and Share this contest on Facebook!

More giveaways in “Concursuri” and “Worldwide contests” or on page “Worldwide Contests”.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

18 comentarii:

  1. Like These FB Users # 10 does not have a link to the page on it!

  2. Family is the best thing about Thanksgiving.

  3. Food is the best Thing about Thanksgiving!

  4. pumpkin pie with lots of real whipped cream is my fav thing about Thanksgiving (Debra L. Guillen)

  5. veronica picioroaga7 decembrie 2012 la 13:51

    Imi plac sarbatorile si sper sa ma bucur la maxim impreuna cu familia mea!

  6. ana maria birladeanu7 decembrie 2012 la 17:57

    super conc ,sper sa am noroc,succes tuturor

  7. Mult succes tuturor participantilor.

  8. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I sure do love pumpkin pie and turkey with gravy!

  9. I like sharing and spending time with my family!!!

  10. Super tare !
    LA multi ani !

  11. Spending time with family is the best thing about thanksgiving
