$200 PayPal Giveaway Event

Erica Start Walking is bring you an awesome Blogger Op to celebrate her 1,000 Fans on Facebook! I was so excited about this I could not wait to participate and share with my readers and give you the opportunity to participate as well. 

The 1,000 Facebook Fan Giveaway Blogger Op is sign-ups are now open!

This event is FREE to join with an announcement post! 
You can find HERE
Giveaway will abide by the new Facebook rules, so Facebook entries will not get punished. 
If you do not wish to post the announcement you can pay a $5.00 non-post fee. 
You will receive one free link for participating, you can choose from Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest
Additional links $3 each
Co-Host Spots are available for $15. Co-Host will receive 4 links in the Rafflecopter, one link in the giveaway post and one enter/comment on Rafflecopter .
Page Host $10 (reminder this brings traffic to you page)
Sign Up ends May 1st. Giveaway will go live May 3rd and last for a month ending on June 3rd. 


One lucky winner will receive $200 via PAYPAL CASH Open International 

The blogger with the most referrals will receive a free Co-Host Spot. 

Please send payment for Additional links, Co-Host Spots, and Page Host via PayPal as a gift to ericabodker@ericastartwalking.com (ericabodker (at) ericastartwalking (dot) com

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