It Must Have Been Love

It Must Have Been Love

Lay a whisper on my pillow,
leave the winter on the ground.
I wake up lonely, there's air of silence
in the bedroom and all around.
Touch me now, I close my eyes and dream away.
It must have been love but it's over now.
It must have been good but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love but it's over now.
From the moment we touched 'til the time had run out.

Make-believing we're together,
that I'm sheltered by your heart.
But in and outside I've turned to water
like a teardrop in your palm.
And it's a hard winter's day, I dream away.
It must have been love but it's over now,
it was all that I wanted, now I'm living without.
It must have been love but it's over now,
it's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
it's where the wind blows

It must have been love but it's over now,
it was all that I wanted, now I'm living without.
It must have been love but it's over now,
it's where the water flows...
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"Meloman pentru o zi", provocarea de marți lansată de SoriN.
"Meloman for a day", the challenge of Tuesday started from SoriN.

7 comentarii:

  1. Mereu mi-a plăcut Roxette - o melodie frumoasă şi nostalgică

  2. Nici nu a trebuit sa deschid pagina ta ca stiam deja ca este vorba de Roxette! Mi-au placut tare mult, pacat ca Marie Fredriksson a fost asa bolnava! Bine macar ca a scapat cu viata!

  3. faina alegerea ta ,imi pace Roxette!
    O zi cat se poate de placuta!

  4. Intotdeauna mi-a placut Roxette !
    O zi cu soare!
