#Infographic - Little Known Facts About Beer

#Infographic - Little Known Facts About Beer

Top Hot - Beer. It’s Red Stripe! (And a ton of others).

It was mostly brewed by women, is now brewed in the White House, and great quantities seem to disappear in facial hair.

From the steins of Germany to Japan’s world-class Sapporo, humanity loves its beer. We’ve been making it for millennia - so long ago that we’re not exactly sure which culture came up with it first (or if there was a “first”). The Chinese were brewing the stuff 9,000 years ago out of rice, honey, and fruit, while the barley variety cropped up in the Middle East at least 5,000 years ago. Then we got to the Middle Ages, and that whole “hops” thing really took off.

#Infographic - Little Known Facts About Beer

Source: lifehack.org

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