Isn't nature magnificent?

„... Darvin’s Beetle. He’s on his way to the forest to look for a mate.”

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„... Darvin’s Beetle. He’s on his way to the forest to look for a mate.”

„A female is lilikely to be on a treetrunk. Unfortunately for him, she is 25 meters above him. Near the top.”
„A female is lilikely to be on a treetrunk.
Unfortunately for him, she is 25 meters above him. Near the top.”

„He needs his immense jaws for fighting. There are other males around with the same mission.”
„He needs his immense jaws for fighting.
There are other males around with the same mission.”

„The technique is to hook your jaws under your opponent’s wing covers.”
„The technique is to hook your jaws under your opponent’s wing covers.”

(opponent beetle is thrown off) „... and that’s that.”
(opponent beetle is thrown off)
„... and that’s that.”

„The winner clibs on. There are more males ready to fight him up here.”
„The winner clibs on. There are more males ready to fight him up here.”

„And here she is at last.”
„And here she is at last.”

„Succes at last...”
„Succes at last...”

„But the hurling habit dies hard...”
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