4 SEO Myths to Leave Behindin 2016

4 SEO Myths to Leave Behindin 2016

With thousands of companies and individuals across the UK claiming to be ‘experts' in search engine optimisation, it's not surprising that throughout the past decade a number of myths have become common. These myths can often leave many businesses with poor SEO results. Below I've explored 4 common SEO myths to leave behind in 2016.

SEO Doesn't Work 
With 44% of sales starting on a search engine and over 3.5 billion searches on Google everyday, it's clear that search engines play a role in business. Moreover, in the United States search is the fourth most popular online activity after social media, email and video.

In addition to this mass usage, reports suggest that SEO leads convert. In fact, one report from Mindjumpers claims that 59% of B2B marketers say SEO has the biggest impact on their lead generation.  

The suggestion that SEO doesn't work is entirely wrong. Dependent upon your industry and whether the appropriate keyword research has been performed SEO should provide a consistent stream of leads for your business.

Google Doesn't Like SEO 
Due to the complexity of search engine optimisation a great many of business owners believe Google doesn't like SEO. However, Google themselves recommend search engine optimisation and if it follows their guidelines it should enrich your business and help their users.

Although, throughout the past decade a number of ‘black hat' SEO tactics have grown in popularity. As a result of this Google now penalizes anybody who they believe are manipulating their search results wrongly. For example, if you're using the same keyword excessively throughout your site or purchasing links to your domain.

If you're a responsible webmaster, on the other hand, and act in accordance with Google's official Webmaster Guidelines your website will avoid these penalties and potentially witness improved rankings.
SEO is Cheap 
Many believe that search engine optimisation is a cheap marketing channel to invest in. However, high calibre SEO entails comprehensive keyword research, competition research, on-page optimisation, link building and results analysis. All of which requires a considerable investment of time and extensive experience. As a result, search engine optimisation can require significant investment.

There are a number of companies who provide ‘cheap SEO'. However, cheap SEO will of course result in poorer performance and may also cause considerable damage to your search positions.

You Don't Need SEO 
With 80% of consumers consulting online reviews before they make a purchase any business which doesn't invest in search engine marketing could be missing out on a considerable amount of business. Moreover, in 2014 93% of online experiences started on a search engine.

While referrals and traditional networking continue to play an important role in lead generation, online marketing channels such as SEO are becoming increasingly important. With an investment of £300 - £1,000 per month you could see your rankings skyrocket and gain 5+ new leads every month. Dependent upon the value of your product this could provide you with a significant return on your investment.
Source:  articlesbase.com

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