The #Myth and #Truth of Race - Other Side to the Story

The Myth and Truth of Race - Other Side to the Story

Sometimes what people perceive as truth is in actuality a myth, and a myth brings up questions that cannot be answered, because they should never have to be asked.

Religious people in particular have asked the question, "Where did black people come from?" And we can assume a Racist may ask the same question in a more negative context.

One idea that has surfaced comes from Genesis 4:15.
After Cain killed Able the Bible says that Cain felt insecure about life and God said, "Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold." and "the Lord set a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him."
Some have concluded that this "mark" was black skin.
Others have said that Genesis 9:25; "Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants he shall be to his brethren." (This was a curse Noah placed on Canaan for his father Ham's lack of respect.) It's been suggested that the people of Africa can trace their ancestry back to Ham, the apparent conclusion being that the black race has been in slavery more than any race in human history; therefore, it is concluded that this curse was genetically followed into Ham's offspring.
This curse however was placed on Canaan, not Ham. Canaan's descendants were the Canaanites and they dwelt in what is now modern Israel (Genesis 9:15-19).
Now let's see the evidence against both these theories.

The question, "Where did black people come from," is not valid, based on scientific discoveries. In fact the question should be:

The Myth and Truth of Race - Other Side to the Story

"Where did people with blue eyes and blond hair come from?" 

(See more here)

A question like this has an answer, for a question like this is not rooted in a myth.
Friends', this is an attempt to explain to you the genetic mutation that is the white, blond haired, blue eyed people.
This is not a racial issue; this is about bringing to light some facts that may cause only a Racist or perhaps a religious extremist to be uncomfortable.
This is about truth, and the question is not being brought up so as to encourage any kind of hate.

Scientists agree that the only race with an eye color other than brown is of Caucasian decent from some where in their blood line.
According to new research people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor.
"Originally, we all had brown eyes," says Hans Eiberg from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen.
A single individual not only caused the mutation of blue eyed people, but the mutation of the Caucasian race.
A team of scientists tracked down the genetic mutation which they say occurred between six thousand and ten thousand years ago.
They say the mutation affected the OCA2 gene, which is involved in the production of the pigment that gives color to our hair, skin and eyes called melanin.
"A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a 'switch,' which literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes," Eiberg says.
The reduction of melanin in the iris of ones eyes dilutes brown eyes to blue.

The Myth and Truth of Race - Other Side to the Story

Eiberg and his team examined the DNA from mitochondria, the cells energy making structures, of blue-eyed individuals in various different countries.
Since the genetic material comes from females, it can trace maternal lineages.
Segments of ancestral DNA are shuffled over the course of several generations, and the individuals have varying sequences.
The segments that have not been reshuffled are called haplotypes, and if a group of individuals share long haplotypes, this means the sequence arose rather recently in our human ancestry.

"What they were able to show is that the people who have blue eyes in Denmark, as far as Jordan, these people all have this same haplotype, they all have exactly the same gene changes that are all linked to this one mutation that makes eyes blue," Hawks said in a telephone interview.
"From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor," Eiberg said.
"They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA." In the January third online edition of the journal Human Genetics Eiberg and his colleagues detailed their study.

This genetic switch somehow spread throughout the world, and the mystery still remains on how we come from a time not too long ago when everyone on Earth had brown eyes, and (because of an increased amount of melanin in the body), everyone had darker skin, to the present where twenty to forty percent of the population has blue eyes, blond hair and lighter skin tone.

Is it not interesting that Adolf Hitler was under the impression that blue eyes, blond hair, and white skin were attributes to the ultimate race?
This is an interesting question because scientists have discovered that individuals with lighter iris color have a higher prevalence of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and an increased risk of ARMD progression than those with darker iris color.
Also there is an increased risk of unveal melanoma in people with blue or gray iris color.

The Myth and Truth of Race - Other Side to the Story

The "weakest nations", Hitler said, were those of "impure" or "mongrel races."
Well what he considered to be the ultimate race was descended from a genetic mutation no more than ten thousand years ago.
If what Hitler says about the weakest nations is true, then this would surely not apply to those of African decent, for they are as pure blood as it gets.
If what some religious people claim about a genetic curse or a mark on Cain is true, then this curse or mark would more likely be the white skin and lighter colored eyes, and without a doubt it would not be black skin and brown eyes, since people with black skin and brown eyes have always been around since human beings walked the Earth.

This subject which has just been addressed may now be an issue to some of you, but hopefully some of you who didn't care before, are starting to.
We all care about the truth, this is a certainty. If we don't care about the truth, and share the truth with others then we are being selfish, and should be held responsible for the ignorance of those around us.
There are two sides to every story, and we've heard the one side that was used for years, now the other side has just been presented to you with scientific backing.

We care about the kind of truth that is indisputable and not based off of stories told by vicious dictators or religious extremists, this is a truth that surely can offer positive change to our world and is strongly encouraged to share with others.

See more - Good morning! -

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