Win Kindle Paperwhite or Amazon Gift Card Equivalent

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Win Kindle Paperwhite or Amazon Gift Card Equivalent
Kindle Paperwhite, cel mai avansat e-reader din întreaga lume, acum cu rezoluție mai bună, contrast mai mare al ecranului tactil cu lumină încorporată, durată de viață a bateriei de până la 8 săptămâni, are acum noi caracteristici îmbunătățite:
  • lumină încorporată patentată ce luminează uniform ecranul pentru a oferi o experientă de lectură perfectă în toate condițiile de iluminare;
  • Kindle Paperwhite are cu 62% mai multi pixeli pentru o rezoluție de neegalat;
  • contrast mai bun cu 25% pentru un text clar, închis la culoare;
  • chiar și în lumina puternică a soarelui, Paperwhite oferă un text clar, concis și imagini fără reflexe;
  • noi fonturi setate manual - 6 stiluri de font, 8 dimensiuni reglabile;
  • pâna la 8 săptămâni de viată a bateriei, chiar și cu lumina pornită;
  • stochează până la 1.100 de cărti - luati-vă biblioteca cu dvs. oriunde ați merge;
  • Wi-Fi încorporat care vă permite să descărcați cărți în mai puțin de 60 secunde;
  • noua caracteristică Time to Read utilizează viteza dvs. de citire pentru a vă anunța când veți termina capitolul.

Autorul Victoria Danann sărbatorește publicarea cele mai noi cărti din seria The Summoner’s Tale și oferă prin tragere la sorți unui norocos participant la acest concurs un Kindle Paperwhite sau echivalentul acestuia într-un bon cadou valabil pe Amazon.
Pentru a obține cât mai multe șanse de câstig pentru tragerea la sorți, completați cât mai multe intrări în formularul Rafflecopter de mai jos. 
Concursul se termină pe 22 februarie 2013 și se adresează persoanelor majore.

Concurs promovat pe Concursuri Online

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Author Victoria Danann celebrates her newest release of The Summoner’s Tale by giving away a Kindle Paperwhite or Amazon Gift Card Equivalent to an International Winner to one lucky winner! Join us to read more about this amazing book and to enter this FUN contest!

Author Bio:

Though works of fiction are a departure for me, I have had this series simmering on the back burner of my mind for years. I have illustrated and authored Seasons of the Witch for fourteen years. I play Classic Rock music and manage Houston’s premier variety and R&B band. I have an M.A. in psychology and some formal education in Parapsychology. I also spent several years designing evening wear for Pendragon.
This series will include some of my education in the paranormal and fictionalized anecdotes from my journals during the years when I was a practicing “metaphysician”, but most of the material is fantasy – of course.
Ending on: 02/22/2013
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33 de comentarii:

  1. Have you always been interested in paranormal your entire life, even as a child/teen?

    1. Yes. I experienced a profound paranormal event before age three.

  2. When did you know you wanted to write?

  3. Do you have any plans to write more books? Thank-you

  4. Do you have plans to write any other books?

  5. What would you do if you were hit by a ghost? Thank-you

  6. where can I procure the book that you wrote?

    1. Book 1 My Familiar Stranger
      Book 2 The Witch's Dream
      Book 3 A Summoner's Tale

      This is an ongoing saga. The books are available as single titles on Amazon and as an anthology on Smashwords(The Order of the Black Swan COLLECTED TALES, Books 1-3).

  7. What's the name of the band that you manage?

  8. Răspunsuri
    1. Yes. I wrote Bobbsey Twins novels. I guess that would be early fan fiction. LOL.

  9. How long does it take you to write one of your books, thank you:)

    1. I have to spread my time between businesses, music, and family. I work in writing when I can. Right now I'm releasing three books a year.

  10. Aghiorghioaii Andreea17 februarie 2013 la 21:13

    You ever been in Romania?

  11. What are you learning about paranormal or metaphysic topics?

  12. Hancianu Alexandra - Madalina18 februarie 2013 la 10:58

    What is your favorite book?

  13. What is your favorite movie?

  14. You play Classic Rock music alone or in a band?What's is your favourite love song?

  15. eu il vreau sincer fara sa scriu in alta limba sincer

  16. Who's biography have you written or willing to write on???

    Clyde A. Gabriel

  17. I like your blog very much.

  18. Mihaela Cristina Vascu18 februarie 2013 la 21:41

    which was the most interesting paranormal experience?

  19. have you seen a ghost or feel it in creepy way??

    Nover G. Belgida

  20. why did u choose to write fiction?

  21. What has made you want to write paranormal stories? Have you ever had any paranormal activity? Just curious. Thank you.

  22. I like your blog and how long have you been writing?
